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conference chairs

Ana Rita C. Duarte – Des Solutio & NOVA School of Science and Technology

Alexandre Paiva – Des Solutio & NOVA School of Science and Technology

Organizing committee

Rita Craveiro – Des Solutio

Sónia Severino – NOVA School of Science and Technology

Scientific committee

Anastasia Detsi –  National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Christoph Held – Dortmund University, Germany

Francisco Del Monte – CSIC, Madrid, Spain

Hemant K. Kashyap – Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India

Ivana Radojcic Redovnikovic – University of Zagreb, Croatia

Jeongmi Lee – Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea

Josué Mota Morales – Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México

Karine Vigier – IC2MP, Poitiers University, France

Rob Verpoort – Leiden University, Netherlands

Tiancheng Mu – Renmin University of China, China


Ana Roda – NOVA School of Science and Technology

Ana Rita Gameiro  – NOVA School of Science and Technology

Célia Sarmento – NOVA School of Science and Technology

Cláudio Fernandes – NOVA School of Science and Technology

Filipe Oliveira – NOVA School of Science and Technology

Hugo Monteiro – NOVA School of Science and Technology

Inês Ferreira – NOVA School of Science and Technology

Jelena Vladic – NOVA School of Science and Technology

Joana Pereira – NOVA School of Science and Technology

Liane Meneses – NOVA School of Science and Technology

Marta Marques – NOVA School of Science and Technology

Miguel Batista – iBET

Reza Haghbakhsh – NOVA School of Science and Technology

Organized by​

The world’s largest event dedicated to Deep Eutectic Systems

about the event